Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Bird Is The Word, Part Too-Dang-Good

This is my famous - at least among my family, friends and almost anyone who has eaten it - oven roasted poultry recipe. It's really really good! Have patience and take it a step at a time.
Oven Roasted Chicken or Turkey
The Stuffing
4 slices air-dried whole wheat bread
2 slices air-dried white bread
1/2 medium onion, sliced to your preference
3-5 tblsp butter
2+ heaping tsp poultry seasoning
salt & pepper as desired
In a large bowl or extra large zip style food bag, break dried bread in to 1/2 - 1/4 inch pieces, and set aside. In a skillet melt the butter at medium heat, then add onion and let saute' on low. Add butter and onion to bread. Add poultry seasoning and salt and pepper. Keep adding poultry seasoning until it smells slightly overwhelming. Work all together well with spoon or hands, or by sealing bag and shaking. If mixture is not quite moist enough, add plain water using a spray bottle on mist setting; repeat mixing process. Set aside.
The Bird
Preheat oven to 325&F (at sea level). Rinse the plucked and dressed chicken well and check over for stray feather heads and shafts. Place in a pot or bowl just big enough to fit the bird vertically with the breast opening up. Fill as much of the stuffing as possible in to the cavity and then seal it with string or metal skewers  Invert chicken and repeat with tail cavity. Lay chicken in lightly greased roasting pan only half again as large as the bird. Twist wings back on themselves to secure, and tie or skewer legs in place. Take a 12 inch metal skewer and push in through breast cavity and out through tail cavity to properly cook stuffing. Rub soft butter on to bird, generously sprinkle on poultry seasoning and pepper (no salt), and rub again. Cook for 15 minutes per pound (thawed). 20 minutes before removing from oven remove roaster lid, baste chicken and allow skin to brown; baste frequently. Remove from oven and de-pan chicken to a serving platter or cutting board. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
The Gravy
Place the roasting pan on to a large burner on your stove top, and turn on to medium high. Pour 1 cup of hot water in to the roaster and allow to come to a  boil. In the mean time, put 3/4 of a cup of cold water and 3-4 tblsp a.p. flour in to a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid. Shake vigorously until lumps are gone. Pour flour mixture in to boiling water, stirring rapidly while adding. Stir in larger and larger circles throughout roaster as it all boils and thickens. Remove from heat when desired thickness. Strain if desired. Serve.

If you have any questions leave a comment. 
Unfortunately I'm a little bit rushed at this moment. I will, however, get back on this as soon as I can.

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